Originally Posted by Anonymous
Can’t wait for this LI boys Hs season especially in the Private school league. I got so much respect for Chaminade as they are all not only non-reclasses but challenge themselves every single day at single and also amazing lacrosse players. St. Ants is always pretty good too but it’s kind of embarrassing that they need kids to reclass and honestly it’s just a place where all the athletes who aren’t smart enough for Chaminade go. Can’t wait to see both these teams as both are stacked, but I’m also expecting an ‘underdog’ story and complete dominance displayed from the flyers.

Honestly, not everyone wants to go to Chaminade. Good athletes or not! Plenty kids transfer out because it is not for them. And, it’s not just due to academics either… could be social reasons. The All boy schools are not for everyone. I also doubt very highly Flyers are going to completely dominate this year. Let’s Circle back in a couple of months.
How many kids are at Chaminade because it’s their parents choice? Hmmm 90%? Alumni network , etc…. Things are changing.