Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
No disrespect to any of the FOGOs mentioned as I have only seen three or four of them play -


Those kids are all really strong and I would hesitate to rank them but I am sure people here can. Each of those kids were instrumental in their team's success and can really take over an entire game.

FOGO is a hard position to rank and next to goalie, probably the most important position on the field for HS (of course a stud at any position is a stud) but a stud at FOGO in HS dominates a game. But, the HS stat line is really meaningless.

College FOGO ranking is easier, your team gets possession, you win...at that level, refs are 10x better at calling jumps and all the d-1 wings are strong and most of the FOGOs are strong whereas HS stats are sloppy at best and inconsistent depending on which kid is keeping the stats. Then consider wing play and the fact that the many of the HS teams don't even have a high level FOGO. Then consider that the refs are not trained at all-some call jumps, some don't. All boils down to the fact that it is just not possible to rank these kids in any meaningful way.

Head to head competition is the only way and even then, probably not reasonable unless the sample size is meaningful -2 or 3 games...

FOGO most important position on the field.....you realize you just contradicted yourself. The GO stands for GET OFF....why, because their lacrosse skills are sub-par. Stop with the FOGO non-sense. It should be eliminated as most cheat and are below average players.

I would say the goalie is the most important player on the field. If you have a great team and a very weak goalie you cant hide the goalie. Any other position is easily hidden or subbed for. How many kids will just step in net. None especially at the high school level. At fogo you can just take a pole and put him against a strong fogo and try and neutralize them and make it a battle. If you have a goalie that cant save the ball and other teams know it you are in trouble