Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Truth to the Legacy/fl$/91 merger? For the love of Legacy 91?

Many of these programs are using 91 as their back office. Jesters, Ducks, Empire, all do this. 91 ended up buying Empire. So this seems logical, especially since Legacy is a 91 coach that spun off on his own from what I understand.

But how does F$G come into this? Why would they merge they run their own tournaments, clinics, camps, showcases ect....

This sounds like a mess - when you look at the likely results of such a consolidation, you might have 6+ teams in one organization at certain ages. People already complain about how second or third teams get treated with these no-separate clubs - this only exacerbates that bad situation. It might result in some absolutely dominant top teams, but such teams would then have zero competition on LI - they'll have no choice but to travel to every tournament they play in! This might make sense from a club ownership perspective in the short term, but it sounds like a long-term mess.