Originally Posted by Anonymous
I am a little sick and tired of people defending these refs. I am now a dad, but at one time I was a HS coach and I was also a referee. I sound old I'm not, just passed the 50 threshold. In my day, the refs did not act like they do today. If you looked out of shape and ref'd you hustled to get to your side of the field of vision. You proved you deserved to be on the field. Each game you proved to be on that field. If you couldn't or didn't they would have kicked you out. Or you went to the worst neighborhoods and weren't in the games that mattered. Maybe if there was some oversight on the ref's they wouldn't be so bad. Maybe if there was oversight and training on them there wouldn't be as much complaining and moaning from the sidelines. Maybe like everything else if there was a shred of accountability, things would be so bad.

Some say "leave them alone", "you are abusing them", "they are only getting paid $xx". Are you out of your god darn minds. If you are one that says that you are part of the problem. There are getting paid to do a job. Do it to the best of your ability and if you cant do the job or dont like it quit. Yes, you heard me quit. If you can't do the job, a job that demands perfection in its craft, quit. Maybe attrition, addition by subtraction is the best thing. The best refs are the ones you do not notice, if you do that the best refs or the ones that want to be good will stay and appreciate it.

You blow one commanding blast. You throw the flag, not to garner attention from the crowd but, solely for the players awareness. You control the game from the beginning, through to half time and ref the game the same in the beginning of the game as you do the last 2 minutes. There is no, he is letting them play, or the score is out of control so they get away with things! NO!!!! How many times have you seen a losing team get away with a head slash (and dont get me started with that, the rule was changed, it is not arbitrary) You adhere to the rules until that horn blows.

They say there is a shortage of officials, you want to know another reason for the shortage, not just parents (those are the lazy refs that arent really any good saying that). It is because the good refs dont want to ref with the bad ones and no one is weeding them out!

Yes, there is a problem but the solution isnt ONLY monitoring the parents. and dont tell me it is worse now than ever. It isnt, there is just a lot more games being played than before!!!!

Solution, my college coach made us take certain courses that would ensure, even if a player failed out of school, they could coach at the HS level. He went as far as promoted 1/2 the team to become refs. How many colleges are there on LI alone 13. Hofstra, Stony Brook, LIU Post, Adelphi NYIT, Molloy, Merchant Marine Academy, Farmingdale, St Joe's, Nassau and Suffolk. We are talking 30-50 kids. with 10 new kids each year. Make them take the coaching course. Little secret you become better players when you do!

Heck NY State, Bobby Zayas, (No i wont call you Dr. you dont deserve it in my book, you dont advocate for the kids) How dare you go on national television! If you are so worried, why not offer a solution like, offering the course for free twice a year. You say you dont have the power to do that and that you are just a spokesman for the state, well get with your cronies at your cushy meetings. Get with the state and finally do something.

To me, you are in your 7th year in the position, you are not part of the solution. Nothing is better, you are enabling, and actually part of the problem! It was once asked what does the NYSPHSAA actually do, that answer is different today that it was then. NYSPHSAA is a joke, no meat and bones, they have no authority and are ruled by the sections. (and that was what you wanted) . That is a problem! The answer to what does the NYSPHSAA do, it is still nothing!

All playoff refs are selected based ratings of the coaches throughout the year. And nobody does varsity games at the start. It is after a number of years of experience. They must hone their craft at middle school and JV. These playoff games are being officiated by the best refs in the state. In fact, a lot of them do college as well (like the Ivy league championship). And like any ref, at any level, they are human. If anybody thinks they can become one. Go to the classes in the winter, pass the class and you're in.