Originally Posted by Anonymous
I have a question, with national letters of intents being signed soon, I have heard in prior years of boys who hadn't made the grade or rather SAT thresholds and had to switch. This year that doesn't seem to be the issue. Are this years crop of players as a whole just that much smarter? All I keep hearing are scores north of 1300. What does a 90's student need? What schools do you need it at? Or are schools much more lenient than past years or is it just much quitier?

What schools do you need a

That is one of the reasons that Tierney left Princeton and headed West To Denver. The new President didn't want to sacrifice the education standards to let a few lax players in. He also didn't want to give money to "Wall Street Lawyers" Kids, as I heard it. Same with Dartmouth, they won't let a player in if they don't qualify.