This website is a forum for the cowardly anonymous to make claims (against mainly coaches) about being unprincipled, bad lacrosse tacticians, unfair, bad motivators, political, favoring their own kid if he's on the team, immoral, evil, profiteers, lucky, or any other negative connotation. When any objective observer can see right through the jealousy and/ or lack of objectivity about the skill level of their own kid by many of the "contributors" here. On this site, if people want to prognosticate (most BOTC posters will have to google that) about the level of play of teams or who will go deep in the playoffs or post a synopsis of games, that's fine. But to level unsubstantiated claims against individuals by people hiding behind their keyboard does a disservice to the very sport we love. And to all of the bystanders who read this stuff and have no knowledge of the situations being mentioned, know that the slanderers have an ax to grind and are hardly the innocent victims that they portray.