Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The Bottom line is that if you have the grades and play lax, this is the club for you because of the exposure. I am in a top 3 school district in Nassau and every girl that had the grades that played for this club went to an Ivy or a top 10 university. Otherwise, girls from my district that didn’t have the grades went elsewhere and making the commitment to this club might as well be a waste. Go with Icon, Jesters, Liberty, Top Gun etc..Priority still has to be the school and the grades before lax if looking to get into a top tier school.
This Cant be a real post. If from a top 3 school district in Nassau that means 'set, Garden City, or Cold Spring Harbor. If you kid is in any of these schools, have the grades and are good at lacrosse they don't need any club because every college coach is looking at these schools anyway just like there looking at McDonough and Notre Dame Prep. Sounds like an insecure parent trying to justify driving out to mid Suffolk County on a Tuesday at rebels hour for practice. The real truth is that it does not matter what club your kid plays for if she has talent, grades, and the motivation to contact coaches, she will get to where she wants to be.

True if you play for a top high school team. My daughter plays for class D program. Even is she has great seasons, it won't hold the same weight due to the level of competition. There are not many top college coaches scouting out class D lacrosse. Does it happen, sure. But for her, the club she plays for is going to be pretty important.