Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What happened today at Lax for Cure?? YJ used to rule this tournament, now barely any group even made it to the championship, with most not even making bracket play. Club is taking a downhill turn, to many favors and entitled players. A shame!

YJ teams went 53-35-5 with only 6 teams making the playoffs and only one team making it to the finals

the game is growing in other areas outside of LI & MD. those girls are getting better because of better coaching and more access to the game through camps and clinics. So it not the YJ is not getting better it's because other area teams are.

It's true that the other teams are improving, but M&D won 2019, 2020, 2023, 2024 and 2025 this weekend. Lax for the Cure didn't allow the 2021 team to enter or they could have won the 2021 division as well. The 2022 team didn't get into playoff because of a goals against tiebreaker with the team that won the championship.

Find another excuse YJ. It's not parity. YJ used to rule this tournament up until 3 years ago when M&D started attending.

M&D doesnt enter the Nationals; why?? cause the kids are aged out.
If we played by year born like Soccer and Hockey, then YJ and LI would rule the tourney....thats not an excuse, its a FACT!!!!

Whatever. Keep believing that. My daughter is on M&D and there is one girl with an August birthday and she's a second string defender. Everyone else on the team is on age after the MD 9/1 cutoff.

This is just a myth that Carol Rose and the rest of the LI club owners sell you parents to explain why something like this weekend happens.

The MD teams don't go to Nationals because of when they are. If you honestly don't think M&D and Skywalkers couldn't send good teams there I don't know what to tell you.

Soooo....you talk about a weekend tournament of MD domination, re-tell the lie that your girls are on age, re-tell the story that MD could field a good team for the real Nationals....... wait for it..... but don't go to the Nationals because they are the end of July. Very weak and a big excuse that you MD people think makes sense.