Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by CageSage
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not stirring the pot - just wanted some thoughts - I am a fellow YJ - I admit to taking a look at the Top Guns website to see how their 2014's are doing on their commits. Am I the only one noticing how many there ar as compared to how many girls they have playing 2014. 47 girls of which 27 have commitments. Thats 58%. And top schools too. Looking at the YJ site - 91 girls play in 2014 age bracket - 33 have committments - that's 37%. I am just curious what people think of this - I am fairly new to YJ - am happy with the organization so far - but....
Percentages mean absolutely nothing - total numbers mean little except for bragging rights and sales pitches in following years.

The question is whether these student-athletes are attending their top choice institutions for their intended majors and whether the selected university is a good fit socially and for the family's finances.

While this thread will now go forward and talk pure numbers, BOTC wanted to shine the spotlight on the important aspect of this discussion - the student-athlete herself.

That is an interesting perspective - I did notice alot of Top Gun committs were northwestern and hofstra- neither of those schools were represented on YJ but I can see why Topg Guns would have a close connection to those schools.
I do think percentages have some relevance though. Ecspecially since these are 2014's - early in the process right? So no one is "rushing" to committ?

Look at the 2015s

Most of top players on all LI Clubs will be committed to their college between now and 1st week in September>
Most of the 2015 top players...