I have watched the tape of this game over 10 times. At no time did a YJ jump on any girl's back. It was a clear from a goalie that was missed (one can argue if it was a bad pass, or the girl missed the pass, don't know) but it was a ground ball. The defender missed the ground ball not once, but twice. She was not on steady ground trying to gain possession. The YJ went after the ball. She got to it and they collided. The SW player was not steady on her feet and when they collided she went down. She was also a more petite player who collided with a girl twice her size. This is physics. It's like a truck and a Honda colliding. The Honda doesn't do as well. No one jumped on anyone's back. I believe that both club directors have reviewed the tape and everyone involved at both organizations feel terrible that anyone was hurt, but all agree it was part of an intense game. Having seen the game a number of times, there was aggressive play by both teams throughout the game and not just this incident. it seems silly to harbor on this when it is not productive. Get the game yourselves and watch it. And move on.