Originally Posted by Anonymous
Defo should have kept his best 11 field players on the field for the entire 2nd half against M&D at Nat. Draw.

One of the primary reasons M&D won the National Draw is precisely because they played all 21 of their players in every game...including against the Yellow Jackets. Yeah, maybe if they had left their top 12 in for the entire second half against Yellow Jackets they could have won 6-2 instead of 6-4, but what's the point?

You need to win the game, but then you need to win the next one, and then the next one, and then the next one.

That's why M&D 2016 has been such an outstanding tournament team over the past couple years. Their second 11 are very good, they play a lot, and there are always girls with fresh legs.

Just like last weekend.