Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Thug ball

Hey I'm a YJ parent and I have to admit that there is sometimes physical play but to be fair I see YJ redefending and making contact with a forearm on the ride ,but I can honestly say I don't know what is worse the physical play while redefending or the opposing team swinging sticks for checks. If I were to use a broad stroke to paint the picture I would say the MD teams stick swing more and the Island teams are more physical with their forearms when redefending. All of the aforementioned are judged a lot more liberally at the College level. Bottom line you're better off moving your feet and getting good body position. I wouldn't call either style " Thug Ball" just different approaches at trying to force a turn over.

Nope. Daughter's team played a YJ team in the a rain-shortened 2019 game this weekend. 17 minute game, 3 yellow cards for YJ, all very deserved. Two sticks to head, one violent, and one cross check to back that knocked girl to ground. When did it start? Our girls were admittedly slow out of the gate and played very poorly early, getting down 3-0. From there, they started to play better and started taking control of the game. Out comes the rough play. Game ends 3-3. Saw same thing in Mass with same team last summer, different coaches then of course. Too bad this game was shortened. That Mitchell team was going to lose handily. And god forbid, to a team not from MD or LI. It seems like these teams other than the top teams are under so much pressure to live up to the club name that when their skill can't do it, they resort to rough play. What is most disturbing is the coaches do not correct it. I'm not saying they teach it, but they don't correct it. Our coaches yell at our players more for a dangerous play, than a bad one. YJ coaches seem to see it the other way around.

Hey Mass elite mommy you want us to call a whaaambulance.

Nope. Our girls didn't complain, got up, and put the ball in the back of the net. And if the game continued would have pummeled your not very talented team. Pointing that out obviously hit a sore spot. Maybe next year your kid can make the top team at YJ and actually play for a talented team. Oh probably not. But I'm sure you have your sticker and jacket and think little Suzie is destined for UNC (or more likely Stony Brook). Sorry to break it to you, but she isn't. Maybe Riker's tho? Following in Daddy's footsteps maybe? Must be sooo proud.