Originally Posted by Anonymous
You LI guys crack me up. I think the WSYL is an awesome event and btw, my son is on age. The one question I have for all you LI guys (who by the way I enjoy talking to a lot of you on the sidelines), is what do you tell your boys after this cool experience is over? Meaning, do you explain to them if they want to play at the next level (which would be a blessing for all of us) that they will have to compete with these so called cheaters or holdbacks for these same college spots? It’s not going away. You can throw the fact around that MD/VA teams don’t participate in the WSYL but ultimately the jokes on you down the line when the rubber meets the road. Just seems odd to boast about this knowing what’s coming in the future if all fortunate enough to have our sons play at the next level.

Thanks for the impute MD dad. What I would say. LI boys are the best on age players in the country for YOUTH lax. Down the road at the next level when they are able to be recruited and everyone has pretty much matured, the LI boys will again be looked at as the best Lacrosse players in country. But please tell the MD and VA boys they have not been forgotten... they are legally allowed to purchase beers as incoming freshman.