Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So lets get into it. This is what I'm hearing at the 2024 level from parents who don't have boys on the top 2 teams. "Those teams only care about winning" or "Those teams are surrounded by negativity" or "those boys are only trained to win tournaments not play lacrosse" Lets get something straight. The WP coaches are as dedicated as it gets in youth lacrosse. They have taken a group of boys since 2nd grade and turned them into top lacrosse players within a 4 year time period. The time and effort but more importantly detail they put into this game and teaching these boys IQ of the game plus how to think and play when in a game situation is unmatched. 90% of this team is the same since day 1 and it shows. They have some of the best players in their positions in the 2024 class. Is a winning attitude and a want to win mindset a bad thing? No not in lacrosse, business or life. But if that is something you think is a bad thing than top level lax is not for you. Now take the Taz a good team at first and aggressively got better as time went on. Coaches are committed and the team has had a lot of success the last 2 years. Also a team with some top players at their positions. The boys work hard and are also trained to have a winning mindset and it has showed big time in the last couple of years. They deserve everything they have accomplished. To bash or take that away from them is unnecessary The Taz vs WP rivalry has sparked some of the best games around and the best thing to happen to these teams is that they are both at the top of their game. Its refreshing to see boys at this age take something they love and really put the effort in to be the best. Better than video games. There are other solid teams on LI (Express for one and Igloo who is up and coming and from what I hear TB is working hard on improving) This is not taking away from any other programs it just seems to me that the top 2 teams are always bashed on here and the stories are so far fetched its almost childish. I know some of it comes from not making these 2 teams and the parents walking around thinking its an inside job and "that's why my son didn't make it". These boys are not 3rd graders anymore, these teams are being built across the board to take the best kids and mesh them together to create a synergy that works. No different than high school or college ball. If your son had the skills and mindset he would be on these teams, they want the best players.PERIOD. To think your son is better than he is and then think he's not on a roster for some non lax reason is ridiculous. If you think otherwise you are looking through rose colored glasses. If your son had what it takes he would be on the roster and if he's not than he's just not there yet. Stop the bashing and putting these teams coaches, players and parents down. I wish every 2024 team on LI the best of luck.
WOW !!. Finally some one who makes a lot of sense. Thank you.

Quit replying to your own post. Just makes you look even stupider.