So I recently discovered BOTC and have been reading it daily. It’s like a bad car wreck... you just can’t look away. But as a proud born and bred Long Islander (who went down South to play lax in college) – and now a Marylander whose son plays for one of the top teams often discussed on BOTC, I thought I could offer some perspective. First, the reality is that many of the parents on my son’s team – and I suspect many MD/DC parents – have nothing but respect for the LI teams. OK, maybe the one mom that yells Wooooolf Pack is a bit annoying, but whatever. The reality is our kids love playing your boys. The crap on BOTC is just BS that you can say when you don’t have your name attached to a comment. The reality is WP, Taz and others are some of the best teams around. It’s pretty amazing to watch the caliber of talent at such a young age. These kids (LI/PA/MD/VA) are some of the best in the country and a ton of fun to watch. However, I think MD has a formula that LI needs to follow. We play in a spring league that has some of the best teams in the DC/Baltimore area. MadLax, Crabs, Team 91, BLC, Hawks play a 6/7 game season and THEN start Tournament play. So the boys are all warmed up when they head up to LI or PA. You all need to start something similar.... So have the summer be the culmination of the season, not the entire season.