Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

agreed! I was told that Commack 2024 team poaches from other towns.

What a loser comment from a very jealous Nassau parent. If you're going to make crap up, can you put a little effort into it next time?? Need better material out of you. VERY lame.

Yes you're right the Commack coaches comb the island looking to poach players from other teams. lol. Where do you people come up with this stuff? Amazing how every good team gets bashed for being good and they must be cheating to do it. Maybe your team is just not that good. I heard that BBP has been pumping steroids into their boys since birth so they can dominate the 2024 PAL circuit. SWR... everyone knows those guys have been using HGH since they took the field at 5 years old. lol. PAL is for fun and for the boys to play with their friends, if you look at it any deeper than that you are an amateur at this game. Pal=Fun.... Travel = Competitive. Now grab a coffee and enjoy the ride because it doesn't last long.

Commack team has players from Huntington, Harborfields and Kings park....fact,,but really who cares its town lacrosse and they are 11 years old,,,get a grip