Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Your lies are so very lame. First, club directors and coaches pick tourneys, not parents. So your lame excuse is dispelled right there. It's not a parents decision. But there is more. Much more.

So you are saying the Madlax club directors/owners have no interest in putting what you claim to be the best team at this age, on national TV, with all of the free publicity that goes along with that, and to be proclaimed the indisputable best U13 team, anywhere?

Based on your repeated claims, a WSYL championship would be a forgone conclusion. Easy pickings, right? Assuming your claims are accurate, this is a no-brainer for your directors. It would be a total vindication of the Madlax coaching, training and ideologies for the organization, as a whole. A possible once in a life time opportunity, to build the Madlax brand.

The national visibility would surely create an abundance of credibility for the organization, with the net result being significant increased revenue, over the long term. All of this upside, with no downside, since the tourney costs the club no more than any other tourney.

You are asking us to believe all of this?? REALLY?? You're absolutely sure it has nothing to do with all of your age-ineligible hold backs, correct??

1. Despite your deepest wish, we have ZERO holdbacks on our team. We are talking about 6th graders.

2. This is the same stupid trick the [ChillLaxin]'s Tournament tried scamming people with. Make families spend a ton of money to fly to another state only to beat up on terrible teams.

3. No, none of us have any desire to spend $1,500 per family to chase a meaningless trophy when we have great competition within a 30 min drive

When LI's best team is a B team, that tells you how much Madlax 2024 dominates your kids. LOL. Keep making up lies.

Your actions, or in this case lack of action, speak MUCH louder than your words.