That is well said, especially when referring to 6th graders. My son plays PAL and Club and loves playing with his school friends on PAL. There are only 3-4 kids on his PAL team(they only have one team) that play club, so they cannot compete with bigger town teams, that field multiple PAL teams with a larger percentage of club players. It's important to be in the right PAL division so competition is reasonably fair. My son played for a "top" travel club and is constantly doing clinics with several others, like Box and specialty position. I laugh when I read on this thread how important it is to play for TAZ or WP or Express, Igloo, Millon etc. Nonsense. I work with an Ex-National Champ from Hopkins and know many other older ex college players/parents who says chill out in 6th grade. Nothing is that consequential until 9th, maybe 10th grade, especially with NCAA recruiting rules( for those sure their kid is destined for College lacrosse!!). There are many highly qualified coaches to teach kids fundamentals and "how to play" both at PAL and Club levels, besides the ones working for "top" club teams. Wish my son would be more serious about golf or tennis-results are not subjective, no political, no concussions, rarely broken bones or serious ligament tears and he can use those skills for the rest of his life, personally and for business. Oh yeah, this is only for lacrosse fanatics/nuts.