Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
It kills you guy that our Madlax team has zero holdbacks and everyone is on grade and age. All you can do is cry and make up lies.

Why do you keep stalking this Long Island board??? You are the only person not from Long Island that posts on this board. And you stalk it, daily. Many times a day. Day and night. What is wrong with you? You are one sick individual. Nobody cares about Madlax. Get a hobby. Get a life.

Here's the answer to your question--- because it's dumb dumbs like you that respond to this kids taunts, he is purposely trying to get a rise out of the half brain parents on this site and he's quite successful. So kudos to you madlax kid, your parents have taught you well and until the dumb dumbs learn to stop responding to you, you have free reign to torment the long island dads as you see fit, or at least until your bedtime.