You are all out of your minds. Embarrassing yourselves. If you think PAL matters and waste your time talking about it or ranking town teams you really have no clue. PAL is dying. Yes for beginner boys it's fine but once they start hitting this age, travel is where you should be focused. This conversation going on is screaming daddy coaches and " my town is better than yours" get a life if you think going forward PAL matters. What matters is the training they are getting at the travel level and the caliber of boys they are playing around. That's going to take them to the next level. Now with the early recruiting being banned until 11th grade,the club teams will be that much more important in painting a picture of your son to schools( if that's the direction he wants to go ) . Go ahead and argue this but when the time comes look at the registration stats for town ball. Less and less. Travel more and more. And the downturn in registration Plus the everlasting daddy coaches is a double whammy. PAL was there for both my boys but now from what I see it's not looking too good . Sad but that's how it looks.