LOL. You people are too funny.

Taz loses to TB two months ago, and the the hordes of jealous daddys proclaim that Taz's reign as a top AA team is officially over, and they now will live out their days relegated to B team status. And, it's all because of the internal strife within the ranks of the parents, that killed the team, like a cancer.

Two months later, WP loses to quite possibly the best team in the country (if WP isn't), in Legacy-Taz, in a sport which barely resembles the sport that we are suppose to be talking about, in field lacrosse. Once again, the haters come out in packs, and proclaim the same fate, that they bestowed on Taz, two months previous...

WP's "reign as a top AA team is officially over, and they now will live out their days relegated to B team status. And, it's all because of the internal strife within the ranks of the parents, that killed the team, like a cancer"... blah, blah, blah...

Kinda like a broken record, no??

Losing... it happens, even to the greatest of teams, from time to time. There is no shame in losing, especially to a great team, like Taz.

Think about it: If a great team loses to another great team, guess what? Both teams are STILL GREAT TEAMS! In contrast, how's your sons team doing???

You pot stirrers, keep on stirring because, really... what else can you do?? But WP and Taz will keep doing what they always do, and that's winning.