Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous


part of the puzzle. Good Defense. When you find a good Defensive player you will know what I am talking about. Defense creates offense IT WINS GAMES.. IN EVERY SPORT

Keep telling yourself that - as an example of why this isn't true, I will point to a kid who plays on the arguable the best 2021 team on LI. The kid was arguable the best player on the field at any position on the field for his team, and he tried them all. Guess what position he decided to play?
That's great for him, plenty of great lax kids choose DEF. KEEP SMOKIN GUY!! team SPORT. HIGH LEVEL LAX all kids need to be skilled . I never suggested that there are kids that are better players then others. What you suggested is that kids who play Def. are lower skilled players , which simply is not true. Plenty of great lacrosse players, who play DEF.