I guess you are not close enough to understand how it all works but I will give it a shot. Three of those teams were 2021 and two were 2022 playing up an age bracket as most teams do not have a 2022 program. As for the top 2021 YJ team, they have won Lax By The Sea and Lax For The Cure with the National Draw loss to M&D coming at a 3-5 score. I cannot speak for M&D, but the YJ team has accomplished these results with absloute balance in playing time, even in the loss to M&D. Great results and doing it the right way. The time will come soon enough to have a focus more on results and I will take my chances against anyone with this group!!!

Yj never play girls equal playing time in playoff games or big showcase games against arch rivals. A FACT. dont kid yourself.