Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Heard a rumor today albeit an old rumor that CR sold YJ for 7.9 MILLION.

Couple of thoughts.

1. That would be a lot of money.
2. Who has 8mill to spend on a club lax club.
3. Would YJ be YJ with out CR as the head or would it slowly (or quickly) decline.
4. Would someone fill the void.

On a side note why is there such a lack of quality girls programs on long island. There seems to be a lot more boys clubs to choose from without yhe huge drop of as there is with the girls

Actually the price you stated came with conditions, it's a ten year deal. She gets 2.9mil off the bat, and 500k a year for 10 years as long as she continues to run the club. Furthermore, they are going to expand the number of teams in most of the age divisions. The initial plan also includes a Yellow Jacket Spring league that will cost $800-$10000 in addition (6-8 games), your team will play other yellow jacket teams (they still need to work out alignment issues, but they are talking about 6 teams per age and having teams play teams in other age divisions, example 2021 1st, 2nd and 3rd team will play in a league with 2020 4,5,6th teams)

Looks like they are using the spring league as a way to generate more revenue and offset their initial investment.

If she got $7.9 million she is a magician. Its going to take forever to earn that back for the new owners even with a spring league. You think they have a lot of clinics now? JUST WAIT LOL