Every team in any sport has a top half of the roster and bottom half of the roster. My kids have been on both sides for many various teams and sports. If your daughter try's out for and makes the yj blue team, you quickly get a sense of her position in the pecking order on the team. Many and most top teams in the nation will play to win, if that mean playing the bottom of the roster sparingly or not at all so be it, and I agree. It is your job as a parent to decide if that roll is acceptable for your daughter, many are happy just to roll with blue. If not you should consider dropping a team or two and let your daughter be one of the go to players during the tough games. Just be realistic, this is not town ball where everyone gets equal time nor should it be. If your daughter is not getting playing time, and you can't handle that, you need to find a team that is a better fit for her.