Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Are you nervous shell
Bump your kid?!

Talking about girls getting bumped,one of the most common posts on these threads is YJ parents pronouncing the folding of TG for this reason or that. If this ever happened think of the ramifications for the current YJ players, half the players on real blue would go to fake blue, and so on, 2020 would have 9 teams, etc.... Careful what you wish for.

Half, in your dreams. If all TG kids went to YJ tryouts maybe 5 kids at most would be moved off top teams from 2017 and older and probably not that many.At the younger ages hard to say in that there is a lot of movement anyway.Also no one is wishing for it just stating what they are hearing from some of your TG parents, by the way have heard of several YJ players making the move to TG , most of which are from lower level teams or are going to be moved down.