Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Does anyone know how today's yj 2018 tryouts went .

More kids than ever, tremendous amount of talent, enough for 6 teams easy, three best 2018 teams in the country will be yj

"Enough for six teams easy" Lol you should be ashamed of yourself for even saying that. having 6 teams in any age group is nothing to be proud or brag about. Its an embarrassment, I would hate for my daughter to be on anything past the 3rd team and that's pushing it. Funny how some people accept anything just to say they play for YJ. and before you go off calling me a TG hater, not on TG, actually on YJ and would leave YJ in a second if my daughter placed below the 3rd team. No point in me giving CR all that money to say what? My daughter plays for YJ 4, 5, 6, 7.