Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Really not a lot of quality coaching going on in this program in the early ages (4th -7th grades) at all. The YJ is more of a collection. A collection of talent that they poach from other programs. When the team struggles they go and find more talent to make the team better. Easier than developing their own talent. Other programs out there provide more coaching and do it on a more consistent basis. But the YJ has created a machine in which people feel they need to be there to be recruited.
If your child is anything but a top player you will find nothing but frustration with this program.

Please name some othe LI based programs that have better coaching and development to younger players?

if you do not have a dedicated parent who can arrange extra practices and training your team is in trouble. Most other clubs provide twice the organized team practice through the club as part of their program. (20 compared to 10). There are other clubs that provide team based fall and winter training as well. Do your research. Some YJ teams train year round but that is only because they are lucky enough to have a parent(s) who organize and do it. Some teams get plenty of time together while other only see each other at ten practices and the tourns. Look at 2021 Skak, if it wasn't for the parents on that team they would only practice 4 times a year. The ones who seek and train the most on the outside are the ones who end up on the top teams (or they come from other programs).

"Dedicated Parent" ie friends and family ie coach manipulator and worst thing about the sport. Same parents that run high school booster clubs its all about access

So the supposedly best 2021 girls team on LI relies on a parent to practice? That sounds crazy to me. Shouldn't parents demand more from this program? Is this how must top YJ operate?