Now that my kids are getting older I’m really shocked of how crazy the world of youth lacrosse is. My kids play soccer.....I hate the sport and the fact that it’s year round from the time they’re 5 years old, but you cannot compare the organization between the 2. Lax is like the Wild West. The blowouts are insane.....local tournaments having 3rd graders play 6th graders.....Manipulating schedules and brackets to give teams huge advantages.....having different eligibility rules for the national.. I don’t care which one is right or wrong, just make it the same!! How can you claim to be a “national champion” when the sport is played in about 10 states and the teams from the best lax state can’t attend.

I just don’t understand why Maryland lax is light years ahead no of Long Island. I don’t mean talent / wins and losses. I’m talking about how they play with their club the entire year and NEVER spend THOUSANDS of dollars to come to Long Island. What are we doing wrong?