Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not much difference in the cost with what TG or YJ charge. It is just the way each presents it. TG is one lump fee divided into 3 installments. YJ break it into two fees, membership and tournament. For 2019, TG has 5 tourneys and YJ has 6. For this age group TG will pay 1300 and YJ 1200, not including hotel and travel. I am sure the number of tournaments vary for different years but is almost the same. If CR is ripping off her players than so is TG. Profit is what makes people successful. If you don't like it than don't participate.

YJ 2019 will play in two or three (depending on the team) bogus one day tournaments that are better suited for town teams and are significantly cheaper in terms of entry fees(Babylon Lax Blast, Mitchell field & Lax Clash CT), two of which are run by CR & Tracy - so lets think a little before we hit the send button. 2020 & 2021 will have five tourneys, three of them would also be the one's mentioned above, again two of them run by CR & Tracy. Great bang for your buck!

Please keep up the comparison in bang for your buck.

Nice that you have to get some parent coach who has no idea what he is doing running indoor practices for this age group because TG offers nothing. Well at least during the season you have some college kid who has no background in coaching instructing your kids when he is not too hung over to make it.Anytime you want to compare coaches let us know.Keep playing in indoor winter league at your age group against town teams while YJ consistently plays up in age to challenge themselves.

TG value , poor coaching ,terrible uniforms, virtually zero off season training or tournament options, the main draw to the program has either no time to give or is restricted by NCAA rules so has little involvement, zero significant tournament championships. The good news if Hofstra is the school for you TG is the place for you, also they do have some nice kids and some nice parents.In actuality YJ offers much much more in the off-season than any other club, multiple tournament, stick skills, shooting clinics etc. ,all coached by actual coaches and not some stand in parent. Yes all the extras cost extra but at least you have some options.
More Yellow Jacket self aggrandizing, we're better than you B.S. Truth is you are paying top dollar for mediocre High School coaches to run crappy clinics, and having your second through tenth string teams play against the same teams that you pretentious lax parents comment about. Meanwhile, very quietly, and without the knowledge of you under informed, clueless yellow jacket flunkies, Black Diamond Lacrosse is running clinics with college coaches, and playing games between Manhasset, Garden City, and Sacred Hart. But please, keep spouting out all your infinite lacrosse knowledge. It makes for a good laugh

Actually I saw several liberty players at those crappy clinics you speak of, some as young ay 2021 so I suppose the word is out. It's just too bad those same great coaches don't coach liberty team!
The word is out on what? Besides Carol who is such a top line coah