Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Looks like Daddy coach swindled his way onto the sidelines and AB actually listened to who Daddy said to play. Only reason they lost that game. Daddy should stay with the other Daddy's instead of selfishly promoting his girl. Embarrassing! When will the craziness end????? Stick with your own team and stop the fantasy of the D1 full scholarship.

Unfortunately, you have guys like this in every sport. It starts in little league when they buddy up with the coach to be the assistant or try to get on the BOD. This way they can make sure that the kid gets on the best team, starts and gets a lot of PT. Then when it comes time for school sports, they get in the coaches ear and either donate equipment or their time to the team. Next thing you know, his kid made the team even though he/she didn’t deserve to. If this guy swindled his way into a YJ coaching position as you say, then I’m sure he’s found a way to get his daughter a nice scholarship.

Hahaha! Jealous much? Let me guess you sit on the sidelines with a beer and [lacrosse] about how unfair everyone is, how bad the kids play, the coaches and officials suck and anything else that comes to mind. Meanwhile, what have you ever done to help any kid get better or move up? Nothin. Ever helped coach? How about just gathering up lacrosse balls or picking up cones? Ever contributed anything? Nope, you're too busy slinging mud at other people to roll up your sleeves and do something useful.

Too lazy and too much of a loser. I bet that's why your kid doesn't play much either - takes after dad and doesn't like to work. Yup, it's the other parents fault. We know. Have a beer, you'll feel better.