Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Point taken and I appreciate your civility. I would ask did you see the injury to the TG player at the end of the playoff game at National Draw? I did so I will ask what is your opinion of that play that broke the wrist of the TG player? Is a hard cross check to the back of a falling player who already released a pass within the rules? I genuinely am curious to hear the opinion of any YJ 2015 parent who was there.

No response could also mean that it was uneventful and no need to start fishing for drama. No one knew it even happened to comment on it.

Really....an illegal check that results in a broken bone is uneventful. Were you there? If not you are commenting out of turn. This exact play is the very reason for the weeks worth of discussion and YJ defending that has taken place. I suggest you do some reading of past posts.
Many posters have asked for specific facts and not just rumors concerning the less than legal play of this team. Well here is a fact and not a rumor. It has been posted many times without a single response until yours. TO THE YJ 2015 PARENTS. ARE YOU GOING TO LET THE RESPONSE POSTED BE YOUR OPINION? If so all the previous posts about you, your 2015 team and your club are true! Live with that!

You are probably the parent of the girl who broke her wrist. I don't thonk anyone noticed the play. So you are asking people to comment on something they didn't realize happened. I wasn't there but have asked. So the previous post I beleive is just stating that any additional response will only bring more opinions and scrutiny of the girls( i think they have had enough bashing for 1 season). I am sure your looking for answers, but again I am positive no one intentionally hurt the player. I hope she fully recovered and enjoys next year.

Really, your girls have taken enough bashing for 1 year. Heres a novel idea, have your coaches teach that overly aggressive play that results in the severe injury of other players is unacceptable and you will not have to worry about your poor girls getting bashed at all. Or even better, how about you as parents teach your girls that that kind of play is dangerous and unnecessary and stop worrying about what Carol and her minions think. Or in other words.....Do the right thing for once instead of making excuses

Great advice coming from an anonymous coward.You want the parents to stand up for what you perceive is overly aggressive play against your daughter yet you do nothing other then post ignorant coments about a whole group of kids and parents you know nothing about.If you truly believe that group of girls and their coaches are trying to purposely injure your kids and all you do is post anonymously online then I feel bad for your kids, maybe you should talk to your coaches and refuse to play in tournaments where these so called criminals are playing.Part of your job as a parent is to protect your children from dangerous situations.