Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Reclassing IS NOT against the rules. Playing down as an expecting PG IS against the rules. I get it.

My question to the reclass supporters . . . would you support a rule change to allow expected PG to play down 1yr when they are in HS?

If not, why not?

Apparently, PG is not against the rules since it’s happening (I’m not saying that I agree with it, because I don’t). My question is what’s the difference between reclassing and doing PG? Either way you’re playing with younger kids so that you can get an advantage? Serious question, not meant to be a shot at either. I just don’t see the difference. Either way you’re playing with younger kids and getting recruited in that pool instead of your appropriate age/grade.

First, the idea that it's not against the rules because it's happening is a little naive - have you ever gone to a lacrosse tournament where they confirm class year in any way? In soccer you have ID cards and it's closely regulated, but lacrosse just doesn't enforce the stated rules.

Second, the difference is that if you reclass you have taken an action that actually puts you in a different class year. With PG you're representing that you might possibly maybe do something in the future, but you haven't actually done anything and there is nothing to keep you from simply changing your mind later. Put it this way: If one of my employees does great work this year, he'll get a bonus. If he tells me he plans to do great work three year from now, no way. That's the difference.

Fair point. But if the goal of the rules is to ensure a level playing field, who cares if the kid reclassed in 8th grade or is going to PG in 12th grade - they are both the same age and it is therefore a level playing field.

This idea that if we legalized PG kids playing down in HS that all kids/teams would do this is ridiculous. If my kid is a '27 and I have no intention of doing a PG year, then playing with the '28s through HS would kill any chance he has of being recruited to play in college as a '27. Once you get to HS, the club focus shifts from winning tourneys to getting recruited. Parents are not going to play their kid down so XYZ club can win a tourney while their kid losing recruiting opportunities. Not gonna happen.