Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Cabell sells everyone a bag of goods. I believe we counted 34 kids on the field today, and only about 20 played. I also think there were nine poles. What are these parents thinking? I spoke to one of them, and he didn't announce the roster until Sunday night, and no one had any idea that so many kids were on the roster.
I am sure there will be another mass exodus after this summer, just like last.

The man is a legend in Lacrosse community and continues to field top teams. Not sure there is anything wrong with that

Best. Troll. Ever.

He drives players away in droves but he always manages to line up more suckers, oops I mean players, and his supply seems endless. Thirty four players is mind blowing. Lately his teams seem to be losing more, but I bet he has been making a seven figure income for decades. He must be doing something right.

Like many here I know or have spoken casually along the sidelines with a few of the parents who cycle through. They're usually well-heeled, not from this area but within 50-200 miles for the most part, not much going on in their areas so I see the draw. It's the shock of seeing 30+ on the sidelines that gets most of them feeling like chumps. And they didn't know. They're not @ChillLaxin or unsophisticated, by and large nice people trying to help their kids. You can take that fact pattern in a number of directions, but for my part it just makes me see Cabell is a lacrosse PT Barnum, who was both a savvy businessman and a total charlatan. His own kids on all his teams never left the field, and frankly none of them was anything but undersized and slightly above average in skill and talent, so maybe that also makes him a great dad, but also a fraudster.