Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Why do you care so much? He is younger than many 2028s playing "legally." Nice kid and nice family. Please worry about your own kid.

wachoo talking ‘bout Willis??
I am new here and seems I should have hit the "quote" button rather than the "reply" button for more reply specificity.

I was speaking to cooment from the gentleman overly concerned about the leading edge goalie.

The problem with Leading Edge continuing to use an illegal player is that it makes their whole roster suspect. The goalie is easy to notice, but if they are that dishonest, of course there are more. It doesn't matter how old they are, it matters what grade they are in.
I could care less whether the kid and family are nice. if he is going into 10th grade he can't play in a grade based event for 2028's, without being a cheater. Shame on the program, the parents, AND the kid, he is old enough to know better.
And I call out the cheaters exactly because I do care about my own kid - I want him playing in events where others follow the rules, rather than make up their own.

The grade-based standard has always been dense (and dangerous), and done for college coaches - not the kids. My only point is why enforce it now when the system has been fixed moving forward. All this stuff is baked in the cake for the 2028s. Fortunately, lacrosse has moved away from the dark ages for the 2029s. I am a birth-year advocate, like hockey and soccer. Makes things clean and simple. Pull off the bandaid and move on.

Why enforce the rules? So you'd be okay if my older son, a rising senior in HS, came to guest play in the next tournament? How about our neighbor's kid, who is playing in college but home for the summer?

I realize you said you favor birth year, but it's still a weird logical spiral from (1) it's a class year bracket so maybe being older is an advantage but hey, that's how the rules work to (2) well if other kids are older then it's not a big deal if you're around the same age even if it doesn't comply with the rules to (3) why enforce rules at all?