Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Not to beat a dead horse but there is a simple solution, age based play. Plain and simple.

Great idea. It's never been proposed before. What is your cutoff or start date of birth?

Shouldnt you be saying it makes on age better going against your holdback. We all know its Sept 1 and has been for many years, holdback apologist

NY goes by 1/1. How about 8/1 like football or 4/1 like baseball. How about up to a 3 year difference like football based on weight and age. What about soccer and hockey with 1/1. Why go with the toothless tiger that is USL?

Thanks holdback dad. We know where you stand. How is johnny like playing against younger players instead of competing against his age group?

Sept 1 is the easiest and everyone knows it. Majority of country goes by it. Come on holdback apologist,,give us some more dates to act like you are confused.LOL