Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Reclassing IS NOT against the rules. Playing down as an expecting PG IS against the rules. I get it.

My question to the reclass supporters . . . would you support a rule change to allow expected PG to play down 1yr when they are in HS?

If not, why not?

I am completely baffled as to why college coaches even want reclasses? It waters down the whole sport. I know if college coaches stopped recruiting and signing reclasses then maybe the proactive would stop. That or US lacrosse actually committing to teams by birth years like soccer does, but I doubt that would happen. At least the age rules are a step in the right direction. As a parent though, I would be embarrassed myself if my kid had to reclass to be dominate

Always great to see this topic rise up as the younger class parents come to realize one of the only ways to beat the dei mandates (hidden or outright) in college admittance is for their kid to play a low level scholarship sport. News Flash - college coaches don't care. Their job is to win games and winning games means bigger, faster and stronger.