Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
why did all those kids leave MadLax. The pros and cons of that team have been known to everyone for years. why now?

The shortest answer is probably a word for some phenomenon, but I'm not a sociologist, so, you'll have to take the semi-short answer (and I have two).

1. People will follow a toxic leader and accept whatever bizarre behaviors or excuses, as long as the leader keeps winning, and other less weird market options (teams) seem less successful aka "NL is a chump team, they'll never win HoCo." ML being nowhere near a HoCo championship for 2 years straight, and neither of those at the hands of their accepted rival (Hawks) was definitely "more than enough" for the families to see, given the absurd level of talent they have.

2. To the sadness and surprise of club directors everywhere, given the out of control pricing of everything in our lives, most families are evaluating how they spend their money, which I know for a fact impacted a lot of roster changes (and a lot of half-full camps) this summer. "Why am I paying $3K for this guy to yell bad instructions at my kid every week?" and "why wasn't this covered at practice last week?" is a valid question in the case of many club teams including ML.

You are correct in my opinion which is sad. As if winning the 3rd grade HOCO championship was reason enough to put aside your better judgement. It reflects really poorly on the MadLax parents. They've always been the worst sideline stooges.

To be fair to Cabell, this is a phenomenon I've seen repeatedly in the workplace, especially with executive leadership.........but also in families and obviously in politics. We ignore the evidence of our eyes and ears until it's clear that the weirdo/narcissist in charge is not protecting our interests.

serious question to any family whose son is on MadLax - if your son is good enough to make the A team on either DCE or Next Level, what would be the advantage to staying with MadLax?