Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What is the definition of a holdback now that U.S. Lacrosse has set a standard?

Kid who should be in HS by now but is choosing to compete against 8th graders instead = hold back.
Kid who should have been in HS last year but was still competing against 7th graders = double hold back.

U.S. Lacrosse set a standard for 2029s and below. But 2028s can be on pace to graduate HS at age 20 and still play vs. kids a full 2-3 years younger. It matters less the older the kids get. But don't pretend it doesn't still matter in middle school.
I’m not a fan of holdbacks for sports— but are there really any kids playing around here who are TWO years back from where they should be? Are there kids who should graduate in 2026 playing in 2028?? I highly doubt that.

Yeah, first of all there's a good # of double holdbacks on the national teams...that I know of....Red Hots, Team 18, Nationals.

And come to think of it, the Circuit highlighted a kid on social media recently on one of the above teams (not a 2028 team), who is a double holdback.

But to answer your question, there's relatively few double holdbacks that I know of in MD, in lacrosse. Many who are holdbacks with fall birthdays (almost double holdback) but technically, just single year HBs.