Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Red hots runs out the oldest kids in the country.

Literally the oldest 2028s in the country. A bunch fall 2008 holdbacks who should be playing 2027.

But they are “number 1”

That’s how it works! Same scenario with the #1 2029 team. If teams brag about #1 on social media, they should have to list roster with birthdays for clarity so the boys get the credit (or harassment) they deserve. This forum would be appreciative

Holdback parents put in a lot of work to make sure nobody finds out their kid is a holdback, this would never fly. So proud of their parenting decisions, that they burn energy trying to cover it up.

The funny part to me is that there are a # of west coast double holdback kids who don't even know how to play with a shot clock at the end of HS, and their parents are convinced it will all translate to a full ride at an east coast D1 school. My dude is 20 years old with a 2.9 at Rancho Cucamunga General HS but "he's gonna play at Yale." Actual quote.