Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
A couple of MIAA prospect days were last week.
Any more upcoming?

Do the top talent kids go to these? What school is going to get the top talent out of the 28 class?

They are becoming more popular. Lots of MIAA schools had them for soccer, football, baseball. And now lacrosse.

St Paul's had one a couple weeks ago. Loyola and Calvert Hall had one last week. John Carroll is having one on Dec 10.

At the very least it's a good way to see how your kid would fit in at a school, and for players to meet the coaches. If your kid wants to be considered for financial aid for lax, they should probably go. Doesn't hurt. Usually they are free.

Yes the top kids go to these. If they are smart.

If a kid is top talent and wants top lacrosse money, they should go to at least 2. It's good to have multiple offers and apply to multiple schools for leverage. Only gullible parents believe the first offer and fibs the lax factories are telling.

That’s not true. Mine went to 1 of the 3 he was looking at and has money “offers” from all three. The coaches have been to his games, they ready know.

Yes. Unfortunately, offers are just offers. It's the awards in Feb. that really matter.

Guys making comments about offers are clearly people who don't understand the process. He is probably going to say his kid got a full ride to college. Get a clue buddy!

The poster said coaches have made money offers. Which is completely realistic and is sort of how it works.

How much money is a whole different story. That gets worked out later. Perhaps you are the one who doesn’t know how this process works.

Correct, I made the comment and put “offers” in quotes for a reason. Obviously they need to get accepted and you’ll see the real package in February. My original point was just that prospect days aren’t that important. If your son is a student who plays for a lower name team and hs t been seen maybe it matters. I can say that at least 6 Miaa/dc head coaches have been to my sons teams games (not saying for my son necessarily). So the prospect days don’t matter. If the coach sees your son compete against the

I'm another saying this isn't legit, but at the top half of MIAA-A schools or top 1/3 of IAC schools, coa he's are only invested in a few outliers. Maybe 40 2028 kids in MD will make varsity in 9th grade and maybe triple that for 10th grade for roughly 600 varsity spots available. Do you really think these coaches are spending serious time worrying about more than 3-4 2028 players each?
Money for rising 9th graders is for those with financial needs. Not “scholarships.” If you’re pounding your chest, like this guy above, thinking it’s a reflection of your kid’s prowess on the field, you’re misguided. At least with the IAC/WCAC schools, not sure about MIAA.
As for coaches showing up at your son’s games— they’re all doing this, and it’s not because he thinks your kid is a future Paul Rabil. It’s because they have to show interest in this day of Instagram and self promotion amongst 13 year olds. I’ve actually heard some of these kids telling my son, “yeah, so and so didn’t really show my kid any interest, so that school is off the list.” Wow. Great due diligence there.

Whose going to tell him…