Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Do Kelly Post and True Annapolis move back down to 4A next year. Neither team is competing at an Elite level. Fairly rough to watch. They’d be better off playing with like competition.

Kudos to KP for going elite and they play hard every game and have some good players and size. I thought Blue Claws or maybe Team Md should have been elite but they both did not want to face the top of elite with ML/NL/Hawks. KP got better for challenging themselves and will likely beat those AAAA teams this summer. True is tougher to gauge since they do have elite talent but a short bench with a large drop off. If they recruit and add some pieces they are elite for sure. if they lose even of their best players they drop very far in divisions.

KP is (by a small margin) the best old AAA/new AAAA roster...still to this day. Not only did HoCo want them to play up this year, but KP is trying to stop the historic exodus of talent that happens after 7th and 8th grade, as (I assume) True is trying to support them in fielding HS age teams (not typical for a rec based club), and I know the kids (and probably parents) wanted to see them at Elite. The results on the field were predictable but that could be said about so many other clubs from AAA to Elite who are either new, or trying to find where they really belong.

Would love to see a discussion between KP (moved up) and Blue Claws (stayed in AAA/AAAA) coaches and parents about what they think the trajectories of the two teams are. Similar clubs with similar talent, etc etc. Different markets in terms of HS club teams in their area. Both trying to retain some really good talent.