Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I do believe Crabs will be better this year. They out worked most of the other teams. No winter break and now doing 4 practices per week.

Do Crabs really practice 4 days a week? None of the Dc teams practice more than twice a week. Seems like Crabs should be better . . .

Crabs 3-4 days a week
Hawks 3 times a week
Madlax might not have even started
NL 2 times a week
True 2 times a week
FCA is once a week I heard

Pretty much every club from AA to Elite is transitioning to at least 2 a week starting this weekend. Including FCA. Honestly by March 1 they should all be at (at least) 2x/week plus an optional skill, IQ, or agility session. Basketball, wrestling, and swimming should be winding down.