Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The Hawks stomped ML

Not a ML parent, but wasn't it 3-8? Not sure I'd call that a stomping, and it's actually better than ML did against them in HOCO last year.
Score was 9-3, butnit was posted 8-3. Not really a stomping.

So it looks like the demise of MadLax was exaggerated. If they are coming within 5-6 goals of the Hawks they will be fine going forward. CM has been doing this for years and he knows how to backfill with new players. Same with the 2026 team, they lost all their starters to VLC and Next Level but are still fielding a competitive team. You can detest ML all you want but the train keeps on rolling!

My kid was playing at the field next to that game and it was a hohum game so I watched the Hawks/ML game. It was a stomping. If I had to estimate the numbers I would say Hawks held ball for 75% of the game, outshout ML 40-8, and won 94% of FO's....The only thing that kept the score from being 20-3 was the ML goalie who played extremely well. It also appears that both teams were subbing everyone liberally up and down the bench. Saw a lot of True helmets on ML.

hilarious. no parent walks away from their own kid's game because it is [Censored]-hum so they can go take stats (94%??) on the game next door.

I agree 100%....the score was 9-3 which is 12 FO's and add 2 for each half...that's a total of 14...and since another poster said that ML won 2 of those that would mean it was 12/14 on FO's which is only 86%....what kind of fool estimates 6% higher!!!! Not to mention the impossibility of watching another game separated by 12 yards of turf. I call foul on that estimator!!!!