Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
FCA, Hawks, Next Level and Crabs are loaded with holdbacks. True is just making the playing field even flying kids in. This will probably knock Crabs out of the top 4....what a shame. I'm sure they will reload with more holdbacks next year. Folks....this is why this division is called "Elite". You don't see these issues at AAA and AA and there are solid players on some of these teams on age. What is up with 91? Watching the Predators was more entertaining.

Yes, I have to agree with this. Some teams definitely have more holdbacks and fly-ins than others, but when you enter the elite division, you are signing up for a league where every team is going to do everything they can to put the best team on the field that they possibly can. If your son relishes that, then he is in the right division. None of this happens in the other divisions. Like everything in life, be happy you have choices.

That said, the only people with standing to complain are the families on the local True team. Did they know this was going to happen?
Question for the Eastside/True DC/True Chesapeake/True MD/True Illinois/True Nationals Black/True Japan team parents.....if your kid works his [Censored] off at practice every week, contributes and plays and then all of a sudden gets his spot taken from a fly-in.....are you irate or just happy to get the W? I would imagine this is happening to 10-12 kids who will be shopping new teams before summer. But maybe i'm wrong.
If they’re shopping new teams, they’re shopping AAA and AA. The bottom half of True Chesapeake are simply not elite level players, which is fine. Thisnis 7th grade, plenty of time to develop. But those 10-12 sets of parents need to face the reality that if their positions on a bottom level elite team are taken by out of towners, they best look downward

Reality check - at this point there really isn’t that much more time to develop.

In 6 months the kids with any prospect to play MIAA will all be slotted to their high school teams.

You either can play or you can’t by 8th grade and for these boys that’s in about 60 days.
Here's a lesson........better tell your big, arrogant, slow, hold back kid to hit the weight room because there's a ton of kids that will surpass these types of kids/parents because of people like you. "Rudy, Rudy, Rudy"

If I look just at my sons elite team it is very clear the separation between the really good players and everyone else. It is why these few 2-4 boys are the ones getting all the looks from the big MIAA schools. Yes puberty will change some of this but based on skill alone these kids are legit. Lots of hard work when nobody is looking! I have now witnessed first hand that schools want a couple of these boys for good reason. If you haven’t had a look from a MIAA school there is a reason it’s not size or speed it’s skill.
Keep telling yourself that. It’s ALL about size and speed. Any MIAA coach will tell you that. If you’re kid is 5-6 and 130– forget it, unless he’s Michael Sowers.