Originally Posted by Anonymous
"Rich private school dads". Pretty much the densest comment outside of a Bernie Sanders rally I've heard. What makes you think only "rich" parents send their kids to private school? My wife and I make huge financial sacrifices to afford it. Live in a modest house and have modest cars/skip vacations....etc. It has absolutely nothing to do with lacrosse. It has everything to do with being in a smaller classroom and maximizing educational opportunities for our kids. That's it. If you holdback your kid for lacrosse, great. I think it's silly, but at the end of the day I don't care.

If you are jealous of private school kids.....maybe you should work harder and figure it out. Otherwise, STFU.

If it had anything to do with kids education you would play your kid in his correct age group. Instead you are gaming the system. Did you set your kid up to play against younger kids? You badass you. I got it, you're this hard working winner, sending your kid to a school he clearly doesn't belong in, and making up for it by having him beat down on kids he's older than. Mocking the lazy, lost middle class parents that you are clearly better than. O'Doyles rule right? Both the Bernie guys and the Trump guys despise you.