Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hereford 28 team has great coaches as is in your back yard why not just play there? No need to drive a hour

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I’m just now realizing my son (7/2010) is a major younger player in 2028. We were a part of the folded Koopers so have had a really hard time finding a place and good fit skill wise for him. We are on a new team and he, while not the best, is outperforming his team and no longer wants to go to practice. Hoping his middle school team peaks his love again.
Who is he playing for?

I wanted to clarify, the team is fine, he is at least getting field time etc but hes been playing for years, clinics, privates etc. it’s our fault, as parents, he didn’t go out for other teams. We had/have some resource constraints we will have to adjust next season. I don’t want to LaxinItUp on his team. I’m not that person. They gave him a place when no one else would even meet/tryout
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I’m just now realizing my son (7/2010) is a major younger player in 2028. We were a part of the folded Koopers so have had a really hard time finding a place and good fit skill wise for him. We are on a new team and he, while not the best, is outperforming his team and no longer wants to go to practice. Hoping his middle school team peaks his love again.
Who is he playing for?

I wanted to clarify, the team is fine, he is at least getting field time etc but hes been playing for years, clinics, privates etc. it’s our fault, as parents, he didn’t go out for other teams. We had/have some resource constraints we will have to adjust next season. I don’t want to LaxinItUp on his team. I’m not that person. They gave him a place when no one else would even meet/tryout

Honestly it is hard to find a great fit on an existing AAA/Elite team. Your son has to clearly outperform a player they already have (unless one is leaving). Much more even playing field to get on a "new team" - which about 50% of kids will do in 8th and 9th grade as more options open up.

If price point is an issue, the obvious targets are HLC and Kelly Post - rec based clubs like Blue Claws. They always cost the least. HLC's AAA team is not quite as good as the Claws, KP's AAA team is slightly better than the Claws.

Tryouts for those two squads will again be tough this year (entering 7th), I would expect maybe 5-7 kids to leave each roster but not more than that. However they will have more roster spots after 7th, and "anything goes" after 8th.

Other AA and AAA teams in the Towson area are limited and expensive, but there could be openings at several clubs (Team 91, Predators, and Swarm to name a few) if their overly confident coaches have put their teams in HoCo brackets above their abilities (which is the rumor in all 3 cases). Families will "swarm" out if those teams drop 0-15 eggs every week this spring.

Koopers will eventually get critical mass for a 2028 team. Club is run by very high quality guys, and tons of parents who care about the kids.

Thanks HLC had an established team and only took internally from their 27/28 combined team. We aren’t looking AAA, I don’t think he is at that level. Could be, he has potential, but we just aren’t able to focus all parental energy on one kid. We have a handful. We would love for Koopers to run, Ron has been great keeping in touch. We will keep our eyes out for tryout schedules. We thought this forum would be helpful but very few are. Thanks for the input!

(Same guy). Hang in there and be glad it's just 6th grade and not 9th/10th. The X factor in Koopers not getting enough kids last year was that "allegedly" a coach committed to the Koopers 2028s in the early summer and then bailed before tryouts....making it awful hard to get kids to tryouts and retain them after they were offered a spot. I would guess they fix that before tryouts this year.

Generally keep your Fri-Mon open the last 3 weekends of July for tryouts (15th, 22nd, 29th). Some other places to look:

LTLC is affordable, well coached, great kids but solid "A" level ball probably what you are seeing at Blue Claws B team. Younger teams (2029, 30) are AAA studs. But the 2028 squad does not really have an upward trajectory towards playing competitive HS ball.

Kelly Post offers a AAA team as well as an A team and occasionally/rarely a kid will get pulled up from A (before they ever look outside KP). The A level squad is not bad at all, but also not great.

Koopers may run? See if they publicly announce a coach. Would expect them at AA or even A at this point. Maybe Predators folds, and they all go to Koopers hahahahaha.

Swarm (Perry Hall HS) has some delusion of continuing to run a team in AA or AAA but when they come back to reality, they will be looking for A level players

Predators (out of St Pauls School) has a ramshackle gang of lower AAA players (which really means a AA team). Some will leave because they can't hack it, some will leave because they want a more elite team, and maybe got cut this past year. Not sure if AAA or AA this year.

Team 91 (mostly out of Gilman) has elite dreams too, and really no way to cash that check for the 2nd? 3rd? year in a row. Anticipate major defections to lower level AAA and mid range AA teams........which means open spots. Currently about 30 kids on the roster including a bunch of the Koopers kids.