Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]One of the b team blue claws kids went to 91 too this week. Kid was too good for team but personally didn’t think they were elite level.

Is the former Preds player on 91 also the former Claws player on 91?

If not, I guess 91 has added 2 to the roster just this past week. Of which 1 outscored the rest of the 91 roster combined. Does that make 30, 31, or 32 rostered kids?

I’m not sure where he came from to claws but he was a late add. So probably a club hopper? Listen no judgement. We haven’t found our forever team, but I’d love to find out how these lads work. We have been trying to find a more solid A/AA opportunity for our son who is not a B level player. Parent error over the summer

Just ask the coaches of the teams you think your kid should slot to talent wise. Some will invite him to practice and give him a look. Some will probably say see you in the summer at tryouts.

As an honest parent who has had both responses, this is good advice. Timing/opportunity is a real thing too. Make the introduction, and maybe they need a kid just for a 1-day tournament, a month from now. Easy way to see if the fit is there.