Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Still no takers? It’s been days since my original invitation to fess up on an anonymous forum about your reclassed son. And still nobody has fessed up. Not one person has the guts to say “I reclassed my son.”
Reclassed lacrosse players who were reclassed for the purpose of making up for athletic inability are not good enough to compete on age. I have yet to be proven wrong.
You people are the minority. You people have ruined club lacrosse. Pathetic.

Yes, no one responded either:

(a) because your cutting analysis of the situation has made them rethink their life decisions to the point that they are mired in existential angst and wallowing in their own self-doubt and shame after you showed them the light, or

(b) they don't care what you think.

Could be either one.

Nah, it’s neither. Beautiful attempt at sarcasm though. And stop writing so eloquently on BOTC. Switching back and forth between a post and an online dictionary is too much for most on here.
Choice A is incorrect because they knew prior. They knew what 95% of people in the lacrosse world knew
Choice B is incorrect also. They very much care what WE think. The “wait till high school” and “hit the wall johnny” and “unhinged” posts attacking the anti-holdback posters makes that blatantly obvious.

Ha, funny response.
Hawks have more than one hold back and it’s true because a parent told me from the hawks

Really not seeing the holdback argument working against the hawks. we've played them and most of the other top 20 teams this year and they are far from the biggest or fastest or most physical. what they excel at is precision and game IQ - it's actually really beautiful lacrosse. they make you pay when you have even the slightest mistake. they're like the soviet hockey team from the 80's - just really pretty, precise gameplay that punishes less precise gameplay by the opponent. being a year older would certainly help that but that's not the differentiator.

Yeah, an extra year of growth and development wouldn't help in any of the areas you mention here, except, oh wait, yeah, it helps with all of them. Holdback topic has been beaten to death. It's not the kid's choice. But Hawks parents should own simple fact that the team relies on kids who should have already completed 9th grade. BTW - the Russians didn't duck the Olympics the way Hawks ducked WSYL. Hawks would have gotten exposed if they had to use an age-verified roster. Same with all the other Hoco teams.

It’s been beaten to death so the only thing left to do is beat the corpse? Try yoga my guy.

He can’t right now because he’s in a parking lot somewhere beating his office printer with his bare hands with NWA in the background.