Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Re Hawks. Not a parent, but spoke to multiple over a 4 or 5 month period. Issue seems to be around the new ownership, the tournies they play in and to a lesser degree the national team (ie, many don't want to play for nations best). I don't know if it's all100% true, but the parents sorta echoed each other. Doesn't matter, tbh. They could lose a significant # of kids and still be a solid team.

Share the doubts as Hawks has always seemed like a terrific program (despite fool parents), but willing to play along and hear more. Can someone please explain what is meant by (1) the new ownership issues; (2) the tournament selection issues; and (3) the national team situation?

Outsider info, but factual at least.

1) Hogan (owner) sold out in 2020? 2021? to 3Step, who owns Nation's Best (national team), 3D National (National Team) and 3D state teams (similar to True model) nationwide. Not sure what issues have occurred, but for fun you can look at Baltimore Breakers, who were a top 50 national team before selling out to Aloha 10 years ago, and it's only gotten worse since I believe they sold out to 3Step as well, in 2020. National ownership's goals will simply not be the same as local ownership's goals. Including ego-driven expenditures that hurt or help the program.

2) No idea on this one, seems like Hawks still play in some of the most competitive events?

3) So, if I owned 3Step, I would be ticked off if I saw players from "my" clubs at national events, beating "my" national teams. The 2028 Hawks goalie who plays for Nationals and the 2028 Hawks attackmen who play for Team Eighteen National and Red Hots National being great examples. Great kids, great players, they should be playing on "my" national team, grrrrrrr. And I bet an email was sent to parents to that effect, as soon as Nation's Best (who is AMAZING) started to lose games at the Circuit.

But I will tell you from attending the Circuit events, those national teams have very different cultures. And I guess the Hawks parents have observed that as well, so they might not want to be told which national team they should prioritize (and hey, in terms of logistics, Team 18, Red Hots, and Nationals all work out in MD-PA-DE-OH a large amount of the time so why would I need to fly my kid to MA to play for Nations Best.